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ACE 2019 was held in Melbourne at the Pullman on the Park Hotel on July 15-16. 350 attendees heard keynote presentations from Professor Sir Tim Besley (LSE) and Professor Wendy Carlin (UCL), as well as a stimulating session on the role of economics in public policy by three of Australia’s leading public sector economists. A new, and well-received, innovation was a set of six special panel sessions that brought together speakers from government, business and academia to discuss topics including wages growth, diversity, communicating economic ideas and the future of neoliberalism. The almost 100 contributed papers spanned topics from gender and the labour market to financial econometrics to the economic history of the Middle East. The conference dinner, at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, was an opportunity to meet old and new friends and to acknowledge this year’s ESA award winners (and to gaze out on the hallowed turf of Australia’s number one sports stadium). The conference finished with two Young Economists events - an excellent Young Economist’s address on housing in Australia by Professor Rachel Ong (Curtin), and a standing-room only debate on Millennials in the workforce: lazy and entitled or unfair stereotype.

Rosmaiza Abdul Ghani Which of trade or migration is be the strongest avenue to curb poverty?
Peter Abelson A Partial Review of Seven Jurisdictional Guidelines for Cost-Benefit Analysis
Ashani Amarasinghe How does Conflict Spread?
Stephen Anthony MATILDA – A dynamic flow-of-funds model for Australia
Sasan Bakhtiari Market Power and Entrepreneurship Decline: The Case for Australia
Benjamin Beckers The Effect of Mortgage Debt on Consumer Spending: Evidence from Household-level Data
Paul Blacklow Gender Differences in Labour Outcomes and Choices of the Always Childless
Barbara Broadway How migrant mothers’ labour supply is shaped by formal and informal childcare supply
Angelina Bruno International entrepreneurship: evidence on Australian born global firms
Kay Cao Measuring firm-level capital stock and productivity using integrated micro dataset  
Marc Chan The effects of human and other forms of capital on migration: evidence from administrative data on university graduates in China
Geoffrey Chang A Machine Learning Approach to Validating the use of Australian Credit Reporting Data as a Leading Indicator of Consumer Spending
Michael Coelli The dragon down under: The regional labour market impact of growth in Chinese imports to Australia
Zsuzsanna Csereklyei The effect of wind and solar power generation on wholesale electricity prices in Australia
Janine Dixon Evaluating gender impacts in employment: A CGE framework for policy makers
Sam Ferraro Heiristocracy?  The importance of inherited wealth versus entrepreneurship among Australia’s super rich.
John Freebairn Corporate Income Tax in Context
Christian Gillitzer Nudging Businesses to Pay Their Taxes: Does Timing Matter?
William Gort The use of discount rates in economic appraisals in Australia, a review of current practice and international trends
Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo Quantile Connectedness: Modelling Tail Behaviour in the Topology of Financial Networks
Nicolas Groshenny Low wage growth, and job-to-job transitions: Evidence from administrative data in New Zealand
Don Gunasekera Effects of ASEAN transport productivity enhancement: An economy wide analysis 
Rochelle Guttmann MARTIN Has Its Place: A Macroeconometric Model of the Australian Economy
Cahit Guven Direct and Indirect Skills Selection: Permanent Visa Types and Economic Wellbeing of Immigrants in Australia 
Van Ha Does foreign investment improve domestic firm productivity? Evidence from a developing country
James Hansen The Role of Auctions and Negotiation in Housing Prices (presented by Genoseve)
Marco Hatt Higher education access and outcomes
John Hawkins Currency boards: traditional, modern and virtual
Calvin He The Distributional Effects of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Local Housing Markets
Tim Helm Designing the stamp duty to land tax transition
Ross Hickey The Effect of Tax Price on Donations: Evidence from Canada
Joseph Hirschberg Grading Journals in Economics:  The ABCs of the ABDC
Nary Hong Who receives Government Benefits?: the Effect of Reading and Writing Assistance on Take-Up of Disability Support Pension
Linke Hou Skill Structure and Political Selection under Institutionalized Authoritarianism
Jan Kabatek Divorced in a Flash: The Effect of the Administrative Divorce Option on Marital Stability in the Netherlands
Guyonne Kalb Teenage Mothers' Health over the Life Course
Michael Keane Effects of Taxes and Safety Net Pensions on life-cycle Labor Supply, Savings and Human Capital: the Case of Australia
Safdar Khan Role of clean energy on energy efficiency and sustainable development: Evidence from top ten energy consumers 
Anastasia Klimova Impact of public housing on property prices: evidence from the ACT (Awaiting Presentation)
James Lennox Comparative spatial general equilibrium analysis of four metro rail projects
Gordon Leslie Hedging locational price risk in zonal and nodal electricity markets: The case of Australia
Sarah Leslie Disruption and de-regulation = discrimination?
Locky Liu House price and household debt in Australia: understanding the relationship
Jenny Lye Teaching Ethics to Econometrics Students 
Marc  Mariano Economy-wide and distributional effects of a GST change
Jordy Meekes Gender differences in the labour and spatial response to displacement
Daniel Melser The Impact of School Characteristics on Housing Markets in NSW 2013-17
Ian Moran Collaborative R&D and Firm Performance
Bruce Mountain The exercise of market power in Australia’s National Electricity Market following the closure of the Hazelwood Power Station 
Karen Mumford Pay and job rank amongst academic economists in the UK : Is gender relevant?
Cameron Murray Time is money: How landbanking constrains housing supply
Jason Nassios The economic impact and efficiency of state and federal taxes in Australia
Kelly Neill Pipeline Access and Gas Price Premiums in Eastern Australia
Viet Nguyen The downside of being upbeat: Cognitive biases compel consumers to save less and borrow more
Vy Nguyen Myopic Loss Aversion and Investment Decision: An Empirical and Experimental Study of Traders in Stock Market
Philip Norman Financial Tightening in 2018-19 in Australia contrasted with the 1974 Credit Squeeze
Gail Pacheco When There Is No Way Up: Reconsidering Low-Paid Jobs As Stepping Stones
Harsha Paranavithana Monetary Policy Regimes: A Global Assessment
Cain Polidano How do principals decide who sits standardised tests and the implications for school accountability
Nalini Prasad The Effect of Credit Supply on Housing Prices
Maria Racionero Labor Market Effects of Reducing the Gender Gap in Parental Leave Entitlements
Bilal Rafi The balance sheet health and debt servicing ability of Australian SMEs – Insights from administrative data
David Ribar Four Dimensions of Quality in Australian Jobs
Leonora Risse Distance from the frontier: Gender differences in workers’ forgone potential in the labour market
Edward Robson Measuring the economic impacts of road network improvements using an integrated CGE and transport model with household and freight travel
Paulo Santos Can collective action be trained? 
Saikat Sarkar Asset bubbles in explaining top income shares
Stefanie Schurer Baby Bonuses and Early-Life Health Outcomes:  Using Regression Discontinuity to Evaluate the Causal Impact of an Unconditional Cash Transfer
Eliyathamby Selvanathan Regional Disparities in Australian Consumption Patterns
Peter Sivey Junior Doctors’ Specialty Choice: Stated vs Revealed Preferences Over 10 Years
Ahmed Skali Protestantism and Effort Expenditure on the Battlefield: Soldier-Level Evidence from World War II (Awaiting Presentation)
Peter Smith Absolute Momentum, Sustainable Withdrawal and Glidepath Investing in US Retirement Portfolios from 1925
Panagiotis Sotirakopoulos Economic Shocks During Impressionable Years and Entrepreneurship in Later Adulthood around the World
Claire Thibout The importance of self-confidence in explaining subject choices in high school
Trang Tran Green Havens and Trade in Environmental Goods
Yi-ping Tseng Changing the life trajectories of Australia’s most vulnerable children-24 months in the Early Years Education Program
Peter Tulip A Model of the Australian Housing Market
Shann Turnbull Causes and solutions for misconduct in the financial services industry 
Mirza Md Moyen Uddin Revisiting the impacts of economic growth on environmental degradation: New evidence from 115 countries
Ying Xu A Panel Data Study of the Factors Underlying Australia’s Sovereign Yield
Miethy Zaman Measuring Economic Activity Using Open Data
Tong Zhang The effect of fuel prices on traffic flows: evidence from New South Wales
Pengfei Zhao Measuring Digital Activities in the Australian Economy

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