Bradley Rogers
from DeltaPearl Partners
Brad has over 15 years’ experience as an economic financial advisor, 9 years in the Australian Army (engineering), and is the President of the Economic Society of Australia (ACT). Experience working as a Director of DeltaPearl Partners, the Centre for International Economics, the Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet where he was the Policy Division’s Principal Economist; Queensland Treasury, the Queensland Treasury Corporation, the Queensland Competition Authority and Seqwater.
Brad’s capabilities and experience includes government program evaluations, legislative and policy reviews, conducting regulatory impact statements, cost benefit analysis, economic regulatory reviews, capital expenditure evaluations, company valuation, budget modelling and forecast estimates and economic and statistical analysis.
In particular, Brad has experience in cost benefit analysis for government clients, including large infrastructure options.
Bachelor’s Degree Economics (Major International Trade and Finance)
Master of Applied Finance (Major Corporate Finance)
Asialink Leaders Course Melbourne University
Areas of Expertise
Media - HousingMedia - Industrial relations
Media - Mining & resources
Conferences & Public Speaking - Industrial relations
Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy
Conferences & Public Speaking - Mining & resources
Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing
Contact Details
No Website