Edward Chheang
Edward believes in having the right mindset, the right education, the right model of influence, consistently doing the right things and maximising community’s prosperity, welfare and wellbeing as the end goal for policy considerations.
He uses quantitative and qualitative analysis to explain, investigate, influence and inform decision-makers and the general public, and minimising the gap between evidence-based facts and perspectives. These are typically the roles of economists and their endless endeavours in finding ways to achieve a Pareto Optimal Equilibrium when the desired outcome cannot be further improved.
Edward graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (BEc), specialisation in Financial Economics and Real Estate Studies from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). He also received training certificates in Public Financial Management, Financial Market Analysis and Debt Sustainability Analysis from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He is a Young Economist Member of the Economic Society of Australia and a Signatory to The Banking and Finance Oath.
His Key Skills:
● Statistical Analysis of Economic, Financial and Property Data
● Familiar with Australian Real Property Law and Finance
● Financial Feasibility Study for Property Development
● Property Valuation and Building Appraisal
● Business and Economic Forecasting
● Economic and Financial Modelling
● Investment and Asset Allocation
● Bond and Equity Pricing
● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Planning & Organising
● Self-Management
● Communication
● Teamwork
Areas of Expertise
Media - Financial markets; financial systemsMedia - Housing
Media - Macroeconomic outlook
Contact Details
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