Leonora Risse
Dr Leonora Risse is an economist who specialises in gender equality.
Her research focuses on gender gaps in workforce outcomes, including the gender pay gap and women’s under-representation in leadership.
Dr Risse is an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Canberra and a Research Fellow with the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia. Previously she held roles with the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard University, the Productivity Commission and RMIT University. She is a co-founder and former National Chair of the Women in Economics Network (WEN) in Australia.
Dr Risse engages regularly with governments and organisations on evidence-based policies to close gender gaps and how to apply a ‘gender lens’ to economic analysis and policy design.
Her economic expertise extends to labour economics, disadvantage and wellbeing. She engages regularly with the media to empower everyday audiences with a greater understanding of economic issues.
Dr Risse holds a PhD in Economics, Bachelor of Economics (Honours I & University Medal) and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Queensland.
Areas of Expertise
Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
Research Expertise - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
Research Expertise - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
Contact Details
No Website