Business Skills - Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
Refine Directory
Olamide Ayoade-Alabi
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Data analysis & econometric modelling, Conferences & Public Speaking - Teaching & learning economics, Conferences & Public Speaking - Speak to students about economics careers, Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Data analysis & econometric modelling, Media - Globalisation; eco development; eco transition, Research Expertise - International trade, investment & finance, Media - International trade, investment & finance
State: VIC
Andrew Barker
Andrew Barker is a Senior Economist for CEDA, with expertise in climate, labour market, migration, productivity and housing policy.
Expertise Include: Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Housing, Media - Productivity & efficient analysis, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook
State: QLD
Catherine Birch
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Monetary policy (interest rates), Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Conferences & Public Speaking - Monetary policy (interest rates), Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables
State: VIC
Paul Blacklow
from UTAS
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Education, skills & human capital, Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Education, skills & human capital, Conferences & Public Speaking - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy
State: TAS
Mary Clarke
from DXP Consulting
Mary Clarke is the founder and principal of DXP Consulting. A genuine desire to make a difference was the motivation for Mary to commence this policy and strategy consultancy.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nThrough DXP Consulting, Mary provides policy, analysis and strategic advice. Education and skilled migration policies and impact are key areas of specialisation and an enduring passion. Other foci include gendier equity, Indigenous opportunity, business strategy and the professions.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nMary’s work history includes heading the education policy function for a professional body, and executive and senior public service economic and policy roles.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nMary holds an Executive Masters in Public Administration and an Honours degree in Economics.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nMary is a slowing runner, a chocoholic and a mother of three.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n🖳 dxpconsulting
Expertise Include: Media - Education, skills & human capital, Conferences & Public Speaking - Education, skills & human capital, Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging)
State: VIC
Catherine De Fontenay
from Productivity Commission
Expertise Include: Media - Industrial relations, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Health economics, Conferences & Public Speaking - Industrial relations, Conferences & Public Speaking , Conferences & Public Speaking - Health economics, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Research Expertise
State: VIC
Justin Douglas
from Econalyst Pty Ltd
Expertise Include: Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Policy design & evaluation
State: ACT
Alan Duncan
from Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre
Professor Alan Duncan is Director of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) and a John Curtin Distinguished Professor at Curtin University. Prior to taking on the role of BCEC Director, Alan was Director of the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) and before that, Head of the University of Nottingham\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s School of Economics.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nAlan’s research is motivated by a passion to influence public debates on economic and social issues through rigorous, evidence-based research. He ranks among the top 5% of economists worldwide, having published widely in both academic and policy outlets of the highest international reputation on topics covering labour and workforce issues, gender equity, economic evaluation, public policy, childcare, housing, migration, poverty and wellbeing.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nAlan completed a DPhil in Economics at the University of York. He has served on senior advisory panels and boards for government and public sector organisations in Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe and the US, and has given evidence at numerous Federal Senate Committee inquiries, advising on areas including tax policy, pensions, labour markets and household welfare. He has served as instructor to World Bank country experts on policy evaluation, and was recently invited by the International Monetary Fund to serve as a Mission Expert to the People’s Republic of China Technical Assistance mission on tax reform and employment incentives.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nAlan was awarded the prestigious Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society in 2000 for the best paper to be published in the world-leading journal, Econometrica. He was appointed John Curtin Distinguished Professor at Curtin University in 2020 in recognition of his research scholarship and sustained contribution to Curtin and the wider community.
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy
State: WA
Felicity Emmett
Expertise Include: Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Conferences & Public Speaking - Financial markets, financial systems, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: NSW
Clement Fisk
from Ashley & Co
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Industrial relations, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: VIC
Gigi Foster
from UNSW
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Education, skills & human capital, Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Conferences & Public Speaking - Education, skills & human capital, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging)
State: NSW
Sarah Hunter
Expertise Include: Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Conferences & Public Speaking - Financial markets, financial systems, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy
State: NSW
Margaret McKenzie
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: VIC
Jordy Meekes
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: VIC
Md Rakib Mia
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Health economics, Media - Financial markets; financial systems
State: NSW
Kristina Popova Livrinski
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Speak to students about economics careers, Conferences & Public Speaking - Policy design & evaluation, Conferences & Public Speaking - Business economics & administration, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Household finances, consumption, saving super, Media - Policy design & evaluation, Research Expertise - Policy design & evaluation, Research Expertise - Poverty, homelessness, welfare programs, Research Expertise - Productivity & efficient analysis, Research Expertise - Wellbeing & life satisfaction
State: NSW
Leonora Risse
from RMIT University
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
State: VIC
Leonora Risse
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Research Expertise - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Research Expertise - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: ACT
Silvia Salazar
from Curtin University
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Research Expertise
State: WA
Sean Samarappullige
Expertise Include: Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Mining & resources, Conferences & Public Speaking - Financial markets, financial systems, Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: QLD
Kailing Shen
from The Australian National University
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
State: ACT
Yashar Tarverdi
from WA Department Of Treasury
Expertise Include: Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Conferences & Public Speaking - Industrial relations, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Public finance & fiscal policy
State: WA