Business Skills - Media - Housing
Refine Directory
Andrew Barker
Andrew Barker is a Senior Economist for CEDA, with expertise in climate, labour market, migration, productivity and housing policy.
Expertise Include: Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Housing, Media - Productivity & efficient analysis, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook
State: QLD
Rhys Budge
Expertise Include: Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Mining & resources, Media - Housing
State: WA
Belinda Cheung
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking , Conferences & Public Speaking - Financial markets, financial systems, Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media , Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing, Media - Macroeconomic outlook
State: NSW
Edward Chheang
Expertise Include: Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Housing, Media - Macroeconomic outlook
State: NSW
Venura De Zoysa
Expertise Include: Media , Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Health economics, Media - Housing
State: NSW
Justin Douglas
from Econalyst Pty Ltd
Expertise Include: Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Policy design & evaluation
State: ACT
Angela Jackson
Dr Jackson is lead economist at Impact Economics and Policy, with expertise in health and aged care, disability, housing, gender and fiscal policy.
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Health economics, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Housing
State: VIC
Adrian Makeham-Kirchner
Robust resource decision-making support, starting from first principles, to inform better decisions.
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Transport & urban planning, Conferences & Public Speaking - Policy design & evaluation, Conferences & Public Speaking - Household finances, consumption, saving super, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing, Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Teaching & learning economics, Conferences & Public Speaking - Speak to students about economics careers, Conferences & Public Speaking - Political economy
State: ACT
Julie Moschion
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Education, skills & human capital, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Health economics, Media - Education, skills & human capital, Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Health economics, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing
State: QLD
Patricia Pascuzzo
Patricia brings extensive policy and advocacy experience particularly in the areas of retirement incomes, superannuation, taxation and housing policies. She has a track record in developing new ventures, successful partnerships and as investment consultant to institutional investors and government. She previously held strategic roles at the Future Fund, Mercer, CBA, Australian Treasury, and ASX.
Expertise Include: Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Health economics, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Health economics, Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Conferences & Public Speaking - Financial markets, financial systems
State: NSW
Bradley Rogers
from DeltaPearl Partners
Brad has over 15 years’ experience as an economic financial advisor, 9 years in the Australian Army (engineering), and is the Vice President of the Economic Society of Australia (ACT). Experience working for DeltaPearl Partners, the Centre for International Economics, the Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet where he was the Policy Division’s Principal Economist; Queensland Treasury, the Queensland Treasury Corporation, the Queensland Competition Authority and Seqwater. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nBrad’s capabilities and experience includes government program evaluations, legislative and policy reviews, conducting regulatory impact statements, cost benefit analysis, economic regulatory reviews, capital expenditure evaluations, company valuation, budget modelling and forecast estimates and economic and statistical analysis.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIn particular, Brad has experience in cost benefit analysis for government clients, including large infrastructure options. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n
Expertise Include: Media - Housing, Media - Industrial relations, Media - Mining & resources, Conferences & Public Speaking - Industrial relations, Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Mining & resources, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing
State: ACT
Ivan Rwakijuma
Expertise Include: Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Health economics, Media - Mining & resources, Media - Housing
State: VIC
Silvia Salazar
from Curtin University
Expertise Include: Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Research Expertise
State: WA
Tina Samardzija
Expertise Include: Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Housing, Media , Conferences & Public Speaking , Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Conferences & Public Speaking - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing
State: VIC
Julie Toth
from PEXA
Expertise Include: Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Housing, Media - Demographics (population growth, migration, aging), Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts), Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
State: VIC
Shann Turnbull
from International Institute for Self-governance
Prolific author and presenter on using biomimicry to reform the theories and practices of capitalism by explaining how to political introduce ecological property and control rights to land, buildings, enterprises and money. Thought leader on digital currencies. Seminal 1997 article explaining how investors get overpaid in a way not reported by accountants to create overpayments of investors not noticed by economists as the cause of systemic inequality in capitalism and the source of the equity puzzle was republished in 2000 in the Corporate Governance Volume of the History of Management Thought as \\\"Stakeholderr governance: A cybernetic and property rights analysis\\\".
Expertise Include: Media - Financial markets; financial systems, Media - Housing, Media - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Financial markets, financial systems, Conferences & Public Speaking - Energy, environment, climate change & renewables, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing
State: NSW
Cassandra Winzar
from CEDA
Expertise Include: Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Mining & resources, Conferences & Public Speaking - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Macroeconomic outlook, Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc), Media - Mining & resources, Media - Housing, Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)
State: WA
Danielle Wood
from Grattan
Chair, Productivity Commission
Expertise Include: Media - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Industrial relations, Conferences & Public Speaking - Industrial relations, Conferences & Public Speaking - Public finance & fiscal policy, Media - Housing, Conferences & Public Speaking - Housing
State: VIC