Central Council

Call for Papers - ANZSANA 2015 Annual Conference, Dallas Texas


From: Monday November 10, 2014, 12:00 am

To: Monday November 10, 2014, 12:00 am

CALL FOR PAPERS AND WORKSHOP PANELS Australian & New Zealand Studies Association of North America | 2015 Annual Conference | Dallas, Texas | 29-31 January In partnership with the John Goodwin Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University (SMU), ANZSANA will hold its annual conference in Dallas, Texas.  ANZSANA is a multidisciplinary organization and welcomes papers on any aspect of Australian or New Zealand studies as well as comparative studies involving Australia, New Zealand, and North America.  It welcomes proposals for individual papers as well as proposals for panels by groups of scholars. The DEADLINE for submission of paper and panel proposals is 10 NOVEMBER 2014.  Notices of acceptance will be sent no later than 1 December 2014.  Paper proposals must include the author’s name and institutional affiliation, a curriculum vitae (CV), the title, and an abstract of no more than 500 words. Panel proposals must include similar information for each of the proposed papers and authors.  ANZSANA welcomes submissions from graduate students and offers a limited number of travel grants to facilitate their participation.  Graduate students must indicate their status as such in their paper proposals in order to be considered for a grant.  Please send all proposals to ANZSANA President Dave Snow at anzsana2015@gmail.com. Documents must be attached as either a Word or PDF document. Conference panels will be held Friday and Saturday at the Hotel Lumen near the SMU Campus. The Edward A. Clark Center for Australian and New Zealand Studies located at the University of Texas at Austin will host a welcome reception for the conference at the Hotel Lumen from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursday, January 29.  A formal banquet dinner will be held on Friday, January 30.  The keynote speaker will be Geoffrey Garrett, the Dean of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. The conference registration fee does not include the cost of dinner.  Details about the dinner’s cost and location will soon be provided at www.anzsana.net. A conference registration fee of USD $180.00 includes a one-year ANZSANA membership as well as breakfast and lunch on both Friday and Saturday. The Hotel Lumen, located just across from the SMU campus, will offer conference attendees a special rate of $169/night (plus taxes) for a single room. For more information on the hotel, visit http://www.hotellumen.com/ or call 214-219-2400.  The full call for papers can be found at http://anzsana.net/cfp2015final.pdf. More information on ANZSANA, including conference updates and a conference registration form, will become available at www.anzsana.net.  

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