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Full-Paper Submission Deadline - Future of Inter'l Energy Conference


From: Saturday January 31, 2015, 12:00 am

To: Saturday January 31, 2015, 12:00 am

Future of International Energy Conference, 9 – 11 July 2015 Dear Colleagues, The School of Economics & Finance is pleased to announce that the call for submissions of research paper abstracts is now open.   The list of conference key issues includes (but is not limited to): Natural gas markets, oil markets, renewable energy markets, electricity markets, energy finance, carbon trading and policy, energy integration and regionalism, energy policy, environmental issues and energy production chains. A number of papers will be selected for publication in a special volume of Energy Economics. A number of papers related to energy finance will also be selected by the International Journal of Financial Research. In addition to academic concurrent sessions, this conference features plenary sessions by energy industry leaders focusing on the most recent trends and developments in the international energy arena. Important Information:
  • Deadline for abstract submissions: October 31, 2014.
  • Full-paper submission deadline: January 31, 2015.
  • Submit your work and queries to: DIEMC@curtin.edu.au
More information is available on: http://business.curtin.edu.au/research/conferences/fiem

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