Central Council

IEA 18th World Congress


From: Monday June 19, 2017, 12:00 am

To: Friday June 23, 2017, 12:00 am

The International Economic Association (IEA) is pleased to announce its 18th World Congress to be held at Expo Bancomer, Santa Fe, Mexico City between Monday 19 and Friday 23 June 2017. The congress is jointly organized with the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, CIDE, Mexico.

The International Economic Association (IEA) is the association of the economic associations from around the world, and is the unique international organization that brings together economists from developed and developing countries across a broad range of fields.

The Congress will feature research presentations by leading economists from across the globe. More than 500 economists are expected to attend and over 400 papers will be presented in parallel academic sessions.  There will also be a number of policy sessions and keynote lectures. 

Paper submission opened on 1st August and will close on 31st October.

Papers can be submitted by going to the Conference website

At the same time proposals are invited for invited academic/policy sessions. The proposals will be reviewed by the congress Programme Committee.

To submit invited academic/policy sessions complete the attached form and return to iea@iea-world.org before 31st October.



Expo Bancomer

Santa Fe, Mexico City INT

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