14th Annual Competition Law and Economics Workshop
From: Friday October 14, 2016, 12:00 am
To: Saturday October 15, 2016, 12:00 am
The full program can be viewed here.
The University of South Australia and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are very proud to invite you to the 14th Competition Law and Economics Workshop. The Workshop will be a forum for discussion and networking bringing together national and international thought leaders and key stakeholders, including regulators, lawyers, economists, judges, academics, business and industry leaders and more.
This year's programme, focused on anti-competitive effects, with be facilitated by a host of esteemed panellists from Australia, New Zealand, England, the United States, Hong Kong and the Philippines. The eight workshop sessions will offer regulatory and economic policy and enforcement perspectives from judges, regulators, business and academia.
The 2016 programme includes welcome drinks at the Hilton Adelaide on the evening of Thursday, 13 October, and dinner at the Mortlock State Library (partners of delegates are welcome at an additional cost) on the evening of Friday, 14 October.
Hilton Hotel
233 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA