Road User Pricing Seminar - Sydney
From: Tuesday August 8, 2017, 9:00 am
To: Tuesday August 8, 2017, 4:30 pm
A one day seminar exploring the options and impacts of changing the way we pay for transport
A confluence of factors have emerged in recent years putting road user pricing policies in the spotlight.
The Minister for Urban Infrastructure has identified the growing need to change the way we pay for transport. The Federal Government’s Competition Review identified the need for improved pricing signals to manage traffic congestion and a range of infrastructure bodies have called for demand based road user pricing to improve the productivity of Australian cities.
These seminars, in Sydney and Melbourne bring together leading thinkers and policy makers from Australia and the Netherlands to discuss critical issues related to road user pricing.
Seminar Topics
- Mechanisms for enhancing the productivity of our cities through transport innovation and policy reform
- Disruptive transport technology, driverless cars and the implications for government
- Local government’s role and the opportunity presented by disruptive transport technology and road user pricing
- Congestion charging: practice and impacts
- Electric vehicles: the consequences on fuel excise revenue
- Road user pricing in the digital age: Using technology to provide the right pricing signals to manage road use
- The human response: How road user pricing is likely to impact on transport behaviour
- The politics of road user pricing
- Emerging transport challenges in a growing Sydney and Melbourne
For more information and to register - click here
Customs House
Circular Quay, SYDNEY NSW 2000