Central Council


Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2020


From: Wednesday February 5, 2020, 9:00 am

To: Friday February 7, 2020, 5:00 pm

The Women in Economics Network will host its next Australian Gender Economics Workshop (AGEW2020) in Brisbane on 5-7 February 2020, co-hosted with QUT.

The program will feature academic paper presentations and a policy symposium. The workshop will provide the opportunity for researchers and policy analysts to come together to share their research insights across a spectrum of topics related to gender equality, and to converse with policymakers about how to translate this evidence base and knowledge into action. 
For further information including the workshop program and speakers, please visit the AGEW2020 website.

Registrations are currently closed. If you would like to register please contact directly the Organising Committee at agew2020@qut.edu.au 

WEN members are entitled to discounted attendance fees as specified below.

  • Standard Registration $250
  • Standard Registration (WEN Member) $180
  • Student Registration $160
  • Student Registration (WEN Member) $110

All registration fees above include the workshop dinner on Thursday 6 February 2020.  When registering, please indicate if you will be attending the dinner.

To be eligible for the discounted Member rate you will need to login (see next step)

To access either of the student rates, click here to obtain your Promo Code which can then be used on the Registration Page.  If you are a Student WEN Member you will need to login and use your Promo Code.

WEN membership is open to both men and women members of the Economics Society of Australia (ESA). To join the network you need to join one of the Economic Society of Australia State Branches. Login to the relevant State Branch using the link below and tick the box to join WEN

ESA Queensland

ESA South Australia

ESA New South Wales

ESA Australian Capital Territory

ESA Western Australia

ESA Tasmania

ESA Victoria

If you are not Australia-based but would still like to join WEN, we would appreciate it if you could join the ESA Branch of the state hosting AGEW (i.e. Queensland).

Thank you to our sponsors:






Bookings are now closed


Queensland University of Technology

2 George Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000

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