Central Council

ABARES Outlook 2020 conference: Practical steps to reaching $100 billion in farm output by 2030


From: Tuesday March 3, 2020, 12:00 am

To: Wednesday March 4, 2020, 12:00 am

The ABARES Outlook 2020 Conference is the agriculture sector’s premier information and networking event. Register today and be part of the conversation.

The Outlook 2020 will explore in-depth the Practical steps to reaching $100 billion in farm output by 2030. What sectors will need to boost productivity and technology to be the farms of tomorrow? What sectors will benefit from new export markets? What national and international trends economic trends will influence fortunes? The program and participants will combine to provide something that no other event can offer - a unique combination of public and private sector perspectives and the latest agricultural analysis and forecasts underpinned by ABARES commodity analysis and long term data sets.

For further information:

Visit the Conference Website

Email - conferences@agriculture.gov.au

Phone: 02 6272 2303 or 02 6272 2309

About ABARES 2020

Outlook 2020 opens with the agenda setting Global and national context – economics, geopolitics and technology session including ABARES short to medium term economic forecasts. Followed by thought provoking sessions on Agriculture in focus – outlook for commodities and farm incomes, the Changing Global Trade Landscape and the thought provoking closing panel discussion What would rapid growth in agriculture mean for Australia?

Complementing this line-up will be sessions on key industry issues including Drought and the grain supply chain; Farms of tomorrow; Marketing beef in a changing climate; Managing biosecurity along the supply chain; Prospects for growth in irrigated agriculture; Building resilience in an uncertain climate future and Options for building natural capital on Australian farms and Horticulture. Over two days, delegates will hear from international speakers, industry leading analysts and producers from across Australia.

Attend Outlook 2020 – network with speakers and delegates; hear from industry leading speakers and access the latest forecasts and industry analysis to inform your business strategies - in one convenient conference location over two days.


National Convention Centre

31 Constitution Avenue, CANBERRA ACT 2601

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