Central Council


COVID-19 and the Australian Labour Market and Taxation System - ONLINE ONLY


From: Tuesday May 19, 2020, 12:30 pm

To: Tuesday May 19, 2020, 1:30 pm

Restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to affect Australian workers at levels not seen since the early 1990s.

What are likely to be the impacts of the current economic crisis on different segments of the Australia labour market?

What structural labour market issues are likely to emerge? And what are the implications for economic recovery and the taxation system?

Please join Professor Jeff Borland (University of Melbourne) and Professor Robert Breunig (ANU) as they discuss these issues and more at our next National webinar.

About our Speakers

Jeff Borland is Truby Williams Professor of Economics at the University of Melbourne. His main research interests are analysis of labour markets in Australia, program and policy evaluation and design, and Australian economic history. Jeff is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, and in 2010 he was the Visiting Professor of Australian Studies at Harvard University. He is currently a member of the Board of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. You can read his monthly ‘Snapshot’ on the Australian labour market here.



Robert Breunig - is the director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the Crawford School of Public Policy. He is one of Australia’s leading Public Policy Economists and has published in over 50 international academic journals in economics and public policy. Professor Breunig has made significant policy impact through a number of his research projects: the relationship between child care and women’s labour supply; the effect of immigration to Australia on the labour market prospects of Australians; the effect of switching to cash from food stamps in the U.S. food stamp program and the inter-generational transmition of disadvantage. Professor Breunig’s research is motivated by important social policy issues and debates. His work is characterized by careful empirical study and appropriate use of statistical technique. Professor Breunig’s research agenda has led to many partnerships with government organizations in Australia and overseas. He works regularly with the Australian Treasury, the Department of Employment, the Department of Industry, the Department of Communication and the Arts, the Productivity Commission, the Australian Bureau of Statistics as well as many other agencies. He has been a consultant to the private sector on marketing, mergers, bank competition and customer loyalty programs. 

Registration and Joining the Webinar

To register please book online below - note this is a member-only event and you will need to be logged in to register.  The link to join this webinar will be included in your auto-generated invoice email - please look out for this and keep it safe until the webinar is due to be broadcast.  Note, these emails sometimes get caught in spam folders. 




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