National Young Economist Debate - ONLINE ONLY
From: Friday July 10, 2020, 6:00 pm
To: Friday July 10, 2020, 7:00 pm
You are invited to join us for the 2020 National Young Economist Debate
Gigi Foster (Professor, Director of Education at the UNSW School of Economics) and Brendan Coates (Household Finances Program Director at the Grattan Institute) will be leading teams of young economists from across Australia debating the topic:
'The Federal Government's Job Keeper & Job Seeker Programs should be extended in their current form beyond the end of September 2020 to allow for continued economic ​recovery’.
Debate Team Members and Speakers include:
Team Leader of Debate Team 1 Supporting the Proposition: Gigi Foster
SA Debate Rep - Dr Duygu Yengin (Associate Professor School of Economics at the University of Adelaide)
ACT Debate Rep - Alex McKenzie (Senior Consultant, KPMG)
QLD Debate Rep - Emily Hayward (Senior Economist, Deloitte Access Economics)
Team Leader of Debate Team 2 Arguing Against the Proposition: Brendan Coates
NSW Debate Rep - Callum Morgan (Senior Economist, EY)
WA Debate Rep - Kristina Primus (Analyst, CBH Group)
VIC Debate Rep - Nick Robinson (Manager Economics & Policy, PWC)
Michael McLure, Professor of Economics, UWA
Note: This event has been brought to you by the ESA WA Branch as part of the deferred ACE2020 proceedings. The timing of this webinar is 6pm AEST / 4pm AWST.
Registration and Joining the Webinar
To register please book online below. The link to join this webinar will be included in your auto-generated invoice email - please look out for this and keep it safe until the webinar is due to be broadcast. Note, these emails sometimes get caught in spam folders. The timing of this event is AEST.