Early insights into gender impacts of COVID-19 - ONLINE ONLY
From: Thursday November 4, 2021, 12:00 pm
To: Thursday November 4, 2021, 1:00 pm
The ACT Branch of the Women in Economics Network is pleased to host a webinar on the gender impact of COVID-19, featuring four contributors from September’s Special Issue of the Australian Journal of Labour Economics. Their research provides early analysis on some of the key economic issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and explores gender issues raised by the pandemic both directly in the labour market and indirectly through its effects on particular aspects of economic and social life.
The panel will be facilitated by Linda Ward, ACT Chair of the Women in Economics Network, and will feature four panellists who were contributors to this Special Issue of the Australian Journal of Labour Economics.
When: Thursday 4 November 2021
Time: 12pm – 1pm AEDT
Where: Held virtually via Zoom - register below
Cost: Free of Charge
Professor Alison Preston is a labour economist and a leading authority on gender equality in Australia. From over two decades of research on the economics of gender Alison has published more than 100 works with a particular focus on wage determination, pay equity, workforce sex segregation, superannuation and financial literacy. She teaches in the area of micro-economics and the economics of public policy. Prior to joining academia Alison held senior roles in the Commonwealth Public Service in Canberra and was Senior Economist with the Trades and Labor Council (now UnionsWA).
Alison, together with Elisa Birch, authored the paper: Women, COVID-19 and superannuation.
Tania Dey is a Research Economist at South Australian Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) at the University of Adelaide. Since joining SACES, Tania has worked on macroeconomic issues; labour market issues; economic evaluation and impact assessment; social issues; public policy and regional development. Prior to joining SACES, Tania worked as a Regulatory Analyst with the Essential Services Commission of South Australia. Tania has also previously worked as a Research Associate at the Centre for Regulation and Market Analysis (CRMA) of the University of South Australia, and as a lecturer at Monash and Flinders universities.
Tania, together with Associate Professor Michael O’Neil, authored the paper: COVID-19: An opportunity to reset policy levers for better gender equality in the economy and society.
Elise Klein is a Senior Lecturer of Public Policy at the Crawford School, Australian National University. Her research focuses on development policy with a specific interest in work, redistribution, decoloniality and care.
Elise, together with Kay Cook, Susan Maury and Kelly Bowey, authored the paper: Gendered impacts of changing social security payments during COVID-19 lockdowns: an exploratory study
Kay Cook is a Professor and the Associate Dean of Research in the School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education at Swinburne University. Her work explores how new and developing social policies such as welfare-to-work, child support and child care policies, transform relationships between individuals, families and the state.
Kay, together with Elise Klein, Susan Maury and Kelly Bowey, authored the paper: Gendered impacts of changing social security payments during COVID-19 lockdowns: an exploratory study
Linda Ward is a First Assistant Parliamentary Budget Officer at the Parliamentary Budget Office. She served as the Acting Parliamentary Budget Officer throughout most of 2020 and recently completed a 6-month engagement as the interim CEO at the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. Prior to joining the PBO in 2018, Ms Ward was a senior executive at the Commonwealth Treasury. She has also previously worked as an economic adviser to a senior Cabinet minister, as a senior macroeconomist at BHP Billiton’s Singapore Office and at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Registration and Joining this Webinar
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Timing of this event is AEDT.