Central Council

Is the electricity market dead, or does it just smell funny? (In-person and online panel)


From: Wednesday June 22, 2022, 1:00 pm

To: Wednesday June 22, 2022, 2:00 pm

This is hybrid event (via Zoom and in person) is presented jointly by the Economic Society of Australia (QLD) and the University of Queensland. 

The energy transition is changing the nature of the whole value chain of electricity markets. Low- or no-carbon new generation technologies are dominated by fixed costs and have near-zero variable costs, while distributed technologies put more control in the hands of households who are less sophisticated and whose actions are less easily directed by market operators.

How have markets been adjusting to this new reality and what role might they play in the future? Each panellist will present for 10 minutes, followed by time for questions and discussion.

The Panellists

Andrea La Nauze

Dr. Andrea La Nauze is a Lecturer in the School of Economics in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Queensland. She is an economist who incorporates insights from behavioural economics into the study of environmental problems. She uses economic models, field experiments and observational data to understand the impacts of household behaviour on environmental policy outcomes, and the effects of environmental conditions on behaviour. Much of her research focuses on the retail electricity market in Australia and in particular the impacts of rooftop solar. She is particularly interested in behavioural responses to information and financial incentives and the unintended effects of environmental policy.

Stephen Wilson

Stephen Wilson is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland, where he was previously a full-time teaching and research professor in the Centre for Energy Futures. He has been an industry executive and a consultant, advising companies, governments and financial institutions.

He has worked at the intersection of engineering and economics, markets, policy and energy security, and the geopolitics of energy and resources across three decades and in over 30 countries.

Stephen is the author of the report What would be required for nuclear energy plants to be operating in Australia from the 2030s, published by UQ in 2021.

Rimu Nelson

Rimu Nelson is Acting General Manager Customer and Energy Markets at CleanCo Queensland.  In this role, Rimu oversees CleanCo’s retail, physical and forward trading functions, along with its analytics and policy functions.  He is passionate about finding market designs and commercial arrangements that support customers transition to greener energy sources in a reliable and low-cost manner.  Prior to CleanCo, Rimu spent most of his career working in energy policy, including over five years as the Director of Queensland Treasury’s Energy Team.

Clotilde Bélanger

This webinar is organised by the Queensland branch of the Economic Society of Australia. Up until recently, Clotilde was an executive director on the ESA Queensland management committee, and she will be the moderator of the event.

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CBD location of UQ Business School, Ground Floor

293 Queen St, Brisbane QLD 4000

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