Central Council


Credible Economist Writing Competition: Winners Announcement - ONLINE ONLY


From: Tuesday June 28, 2022, 12:00 pm

To: Tuesday June 28, 2022, 12:45 pm

In early 2022, NSW WEN announced a writing competition to empower female voices in economics. The competition is part of the Credible Economist blog series.

WEN received a competitive array of entries covering a wide range of topics. After a rigorous and difficult judging process, the judges selected the top 3 blogs and 3 honourable mentions from the entry list.

Join us for this event as we celebrate the winners of the competition. We will announce first, second and third among the top 3 entries, as well as the honourable mentions.

The winners will present on their blog topics, and we will hear from the judges about why they selected the winners.



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