SPECIAL INVITATION: Gender Responsive Budgeting in Australia: Insights into government budget statements and processes - ONLINE ONLY
From: Thursday August 18, 2022, 12:30 pm
To: Thursday August 18, 2022, 2:00 pm
The value of placing a “gender lens” on economic policy and budget design is gaining stronger attention in the Australian policy environment.
In recognition of the growing interest in Gender Responsive Budgeting at the Federal Government level and among various State Governments in Australia, the Women in Economics Network is organising a two-part online event on the purpose and practice of Gender Responsive Budgeting.
All members and supporters of the Economic Society of Australia (ESA) and Women in Economics Network (WEN) are warmly invited to these special online webinars, organised by the South Australian and New South Wales Branches of WEN in in collaboration with the University of Adelaide.
The first webinar will be hosted by WEN SA Branch and is aimed at informing the audience on the history, principles and practice of Gender Responsive Budgeting within Australia and internationally. This event will be held online on 18th August 2022 at 12:30pm AEST and will include presentations and panel discussion by five eminent experts who bring a combination of economic, legislative and public policymaking insights to this issue:
Emeritus Professor Rhonda Sharp – University of South Australia
Dr Monica Costa – Curtin University
Professor Miranda Stewart – The University of Melbourne
Professor Helen Hodgson – Curtin University
Associate Professor Julie Smith – Australian National University
The second webinar will be hosted by WEN NSW Branch and will place emphasis on how to undertake gender impact assessments and design gender responsive policies looking forward in the Australian context. This event will be held on 8th September 2022 at 1pm AEST and be facilitated by Ms Chirine Dada, a senior advisor to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). This panel will bring a combination of insights from economics, public policy, legislative and human rights perspectives:
Dr Leonora Risse – RMIT University and Women in Economics Network
Dr Ramona Vijeyarasa – UTS
Mr Nick Wood – NSW Treasury
Gender Responsive Budgeting: Part 1 Event details
Hosted by WEN SA
PS: Booking details and detailed speaker profiles for the Part 2 Event will be sent in a separate email closer to the event.
Date: Thursday 18 August 2022
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm AEST
Venue: Online via Zoom – Register below
Cost: Free
Both men and women are welcome to attend. The event is open to public.
The Women in Economics Network aims to promote and support the careers of female economists and foster greater gender equality and inclusion within the economics profession in Australia. If you would like to show your support for WEN, we invite you to consider joining or renewing your membership. To check the status of your membership, log in to the ESA portal to ensure your membership is current and tick the WEN box in My Profile.
About the speakers at Gender Responsive Budgeting: Part 1 (WEN SA)
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Professor Rhonda Sharp Ph.D, AM is Emeritus Professor, Justice and Society, University of South Australia. She was formerly a Research Chair and Professor of Economics at the University of South Australia. The focus of her work has been to integrate a gender perspective into economic and social policies and government budgets through research, and working with governments, NGOS and international organizations, including developing the framework for the first South Australian government Women’s Budget Statement. Professor Sharp's research and publications include her pioneering books on gender and economics published in 1988- Short Changed: Women and Economic Policies (with Ray Broomhill) and How to a Gender Sensitive Budget: Contemporary Research and Practice (with Debbie Budlender in 1998), and most recently, Challenging Knowledge, Sex and Power: Gender and Work in Engineering. She was a founding member of the International Association for Feminist Economics and served as its President in 2000. In 2003 Professor Sharp was awarded the Centenary Federation medal by the Australian government for services to education and society. In 2012 she was awarded an Australia Day Honours Award (AM) for her services to the study of women and economics. |
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Dr Monica Costa is an economist and gender and development researcher with a particular focus on the application of Gender-Responsive Budgeting. Her book - Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in Fragile States: The case of Timor-Leste - is the first international publication addressing the potential of gender budgeting in fragile state contexts. She has published widely in leading journals and has worked on gender issues in Australia, Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, and Indonesia. Monica will present her insights on the contribution of gender/women’s budget statements to GRB in the context of recent developments in Australia in this area with statements published by governments in Victoria, ACT and Queensland and internationally in Canadian and Spanish context. |
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Miranda Stewart is a Professor at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne and an Honorary Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. Miranda has researched and consulted on gender responsive budgeting for the International Monetary Fund, and in various countries focusing mainly on tax and transfer policy. Her forthcoming book is Tax and Government in the 21st Century (Cambridge University Press 2022) and she edited Tax, Social Policy and Gender (2017, ANU Press). Miranda will present on Internal Processes of GRB in Government and how GRB can be developed internally to embed a GRB process, engaging Office for Women (PMC), Dept of Finance, Dept of Treasury and all line departments and service agencies. |
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Professor Helen Hodgson is an expert in Taxation, based at the Curtin Law School. Her research is in the areas where tax and social policy intersect: superannuation; housing and inequality. She has contributed significantly to policy review in the areas of superannuation and the tax and transfer system, specifically examining these systems through a gender lens. In 2019 she was appointed as an inaugural Provost Fellow to undertake a project to develop recommendations for strategies to reduce the negative effects of career breaks on Curtin University staff. Helen is a Director and Chair of the Social Policy Committee of the National Foundation for Australian Women. In this capacity she is a co-editor of the Gender Lens on the Budget, published annually by NFAW. Helen will be presenting on assessing outcomes of the GRB process and the need for independent scrutiny to ensure accountability which aligns with the Gender Lens project of NFAW. |
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Dr Julie Smith is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, Honorary Associate Professor in the ANU National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, and Fellow at the ANU Crawford School’s Tax and Transfer Policy Institute. Dr Smith has broad academic, NGO and policy experience. She was an expert adviser for the US Surgeon-General's Call to Action on breastfeeding, and led evidence reviews for the Australian Department of Health and the World Health Organization. She has worked with international and Australian civil society organisations. Before her academic career, she was a senior economist in the Australian and New Zealand treasuries and the Parliamentary Research Service. Julie will be presenting on the value of Gender Responsive Budgeting for analysis, capacity building and policy accountability, using the example of the 2017-2022 ‘Gender responsive budgeting for breastfeeding project’ at the ANU. |
Part 1 event will start with a welcome speech by Professor Fiona Yap (Head of School of Economics and Public Policy, University of Adelaide and Honorary Professor at the Australian National University) and will be moderated by Co-Chairs of WEN SA Branch, Associate Professor Duygu Yengin, University of Adelaide and Dr Tania Dey, Manager, BDO EconSearch.
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Professor Fiona Yap is Head of School, Economics and Public Policy, University of Adelaide. She is Honorary Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. Professor Yap’ main research interests are in public policy and political economy of East and Southeast Asia, where she focuses on explaining political behaviours and outcomes across East and Southeast Asia. Fiona is particularly interested in modelling and testing how key players, such as government and citizens, work strategically with one another to achieve large-scale policy success or political outcomes such as growth and development. She holds editorial positions at the European Journal of Development Research, Asia and the Pacific Policy Journal, Journal of East Asian Studies, Asian Survey, Korea Observer, and 21stCentury Political Science Review, Chief Editor of the academic blog, presidential-power.net, advisory board member of internationally-funded Korea Institute at the Australian National University. |
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Dr Tania Dey is a Senior Economist at BDO EconSearch. She is an Applied Economist experienced in conducting qualitative and quantitative research and analysis using her extensive formal training and knowledge of economics, relevant legislation and regulatory arrangements in various jurisdictions in Australia and overseas. Prior to joining EconSearch, Tania has worked as an Economist at the University of Adelaide and as a Regulatory Analyst at the Essential Services Commission of South Australia. Tania is experienced in macroeconomic issues (Economic Briefing Reports, macroeconomic monitoring, industry analysis, regional economies, population strategy); energy economics (Future Fuels CRC on Hydrogen) labour market issues (gender inequality, disability employment); economic evaluation using impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis (projects assigned by Department of Trade and Investment); social issues (Costs of alcohol, tobacco, opioid, cannabis, gambling issues); public policy (population policy, future fuels) and regional development. |
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Associate Professor Duygu Yengin is an expert in microeconomic theory and joined the School of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Adelaide after receiving her Ph.D from the University of Rochester in 2007. She has taken roles as Interim and Deputy Head of School and Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion. She specializes at using game theory, mathematical economics, bargaining theory, auction and market design, and fair allocation to develop models and solutions for various issues such as land sales, compulsory acquisitions, law and economics, sustainability, trust in negotiations, equitable allocation of resources, gender economics. She is a co-founder and Research, Resources and Data Manager of National WEN. She is an active promoter of women in economics and written in the Conversation, VoxEU, Advertiser and presented in public talks. |