33rd History of Economic Thought Society Annual Conference
From: Wednesday September 21, 2022, 12:00 am
To: Friday September 23, 2022, 12:00 am
33rd History of Economic Thought Society Annual Conference
Preliminary Program
Wednesday 21 September
5.30.-7.30 Cocktail reception at the bar at Marriott Melbourne Hotel
Thursday 22 September
08.50-9.00 Welcome Alex Millmow (Federation University, Australia)
09.00-10.30 Session 1
Chair: Tony Aspromourgos (Uni of Sydney)
‘Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand of God’ Brendan Long (Charles Sturt Uni)
‘Adam Smith and Banking’ Seiichiro Ito (Ohtsuki City College, Japan)
‘Pareto on classical political economy-Per La Verita’ (Michael McLure, UWA)
10.30-11 00 Morning tea
11.00-12.30 Session 2
Chair: Selwyn Cornish (ANU)
‘James Meade and Australia’ Susan Howson (Uni of Toronto) Keynote address
‘Margaret Thatcher’s Monetarism and the Challenge of Disinflation’ Ian McDonald (Uni of Melbourne)
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-3.00 Session 3
Chair: John Hawkins (Uni of Canberra)
‘Surviving the Holocaust: What Happened to the Alternative Austrian Economists?’ John King (La Trobe University)
‘The Paris School of Political Economy’ (David Hart)
‘Ricardo 1822: On Protection to Agriculture’ (Geoff Fishburn, UNSW)
3.30-4.00 afternoon tea
4.00 5.00 Session 4
‘The Selected Works of Geoffrey Brennan: A Book Proposal’ (William Coleman)
‘Capital Metaphors in the History of Economics Since 1870’
Anthony M. Endres (University of Auckland) and David A. Harper (New York University)
5.00-6.30 Annual General Meeting, Yarra suites
7.00-9.30 Conference Dinner
At Essence Restaurant, Melbourne Marriott Hotel
Guest speaker: Michael Brennan, Chair, Productivity Commission
Friday 23 September
9.00-10.30 Session 5
Chair William Coleman
‘Two Portraits that Epitomised Australian Economists’ Assessment of their Illustrious Forbears’ (Alex Millmow, Federation University Australia)
‘Expunging family poverty in post-war North America: Rational choice, human capital, and the New Household Economics’ Miriam Bankovsky (La Trobe University)
- S. Mill’s and Ebenezer Howard’s Concepts of Ideal Sustainable City Planning: A Comparison from the Perspective of the History of Economic Thought Hirotaka Fujioka, (Kansai University
10.30-11 00 Morning tea
11.00- 1.00 Session 6: A Tribute to Geoff Harcourt
Chair: John Lodewijks (SpJain)
‘Revisiting ‘Pricing and the Investment Decision’ Harry Bloch (Curtin University) and Peter Kriesler (UNSW)
‘Geoffrey Harcourt: His Life and Works’, Selwyn Cornish (ANU) and John Hawkins (Uni of Canberra
Discussant: Neville Norman (Uni of Melbourne)
’John Maynard Keynes on the Microeconomics of Speculation’ Riko Stevens (University of Notre Dame Australia)
1,00-2.15 Lunch (Meeting of the Editorial Board of the History of Economics Review who will take their buffet lunch at the meeting. Other delegates will take their restaurant in the restaurant.)
2.00-4.00 (approx) Session 7
Chair: John King
Technological Progress in the Theory of Accumulation of the Classical Economists and Marx’ Matthew Smith (University of Sydney)
Reception history and the Historiography of Economics
Paul Oslington, (Alphacrucis College, Sydney).
‘The Antipodean Expositor: Priority and Recognition in Histories of the Laffer Curve’
Michael V White
Convenor Alex Millmow
Marrott Hotel
Corner of Lonsdale and Exhibition streets, Melbourne VIC 3000