Central Council


Women’s Media Presence: Sharing Knowledge on LinkedIn Workshop - ONLINE ONLY


From: Wednesday July 5, 2023, 12:00 pm

To: Wednesday July 5, 2023, 1:00 pm

The NSW WEN invites you to attend a virtual workshop presentation discussing Women’s media presence and sharing knowledge on LinkedIn!

Only 34% of experts quoted in media stories are women and this number drops again for women in the economics field! Female economists are often underrepresented in the media and we are hoping to improve this by raising the profile of female economists on the platform. The LinkedIn News Australia team has shared with the Women in Economics Network tips for sharing knowledge on LinkedIn and the media more broadly. Learn what some of the blockers are for the presence of women in media, see how using LinkedIn and getting more women involved is beneficial, and get tips/tricks and examples of media sharing/posting under your sleeve! 

Presented in partnership with the LinkedIn News Australia team, this workshop is aimed at women working in economics and finance who want to build their professional profile and grow their public presence using LinkedIn. This workshop will cover:

  • Underrepresentation of women in public debates and the media.
  • Why use LinkedIn to share insights.
  • How to optimise your professional LinkedIn/media profile as an economist.
  • Best practice guidelines for sharing economic research and insights on LinkedIn & elsewhere
  • Q&A

Note: Although our main purpose in running the workshop is to address the underrepresentation of women in the media, women who are interested in sharing content on LinkedIn for other economic reasons (e.g. career advancement, networking with stakeholders and participation in speaking opportunities) are also welcome to attend. 

The LinkedIn expert panel and WEN committee are interested to hear from WEN members on how to grow women’s media presence. If you have any questions, issues or policy ideas that you would like to be asked during the presentation, please email here or prepare to ask on the day! 


About the Speakers

Misa Han is a News Editor specialising in business and finance news coverage in Australia. She covers economic policy, macroeconomic trends, M&A and careers in finance. Prior to joining LinkedIn, she has worked for national media outlets including ABC and The Australian Financial Review covering banking, wealth and finance. 

Cayla Dengate is a Senior News Editor with a background in newsrooms and community development. She's interviewed the likes of prime ministers and celebrities as well as reporting on the ground about everything from cyclone aftermaths to coral bleaching and has lived and worked for a year in the Philippines and an Aboriginal community. At LinkedIn, she focuses on job seekers and hiring.


Our Chair

Mia Ratkovic is a Health Economist and a recent WEN NSW committee member, passionate about Women’s health and wellbeing! Her background is in Economics and Medical Science, previously working as a Data Scientist and a Junior Economist at Treasury. She has previous experience with LinkedIn and media posting at a company level, especially around economic modelling and health research, and is excited about promoting media presence for female economists!



Registration is free for all members. To register please book online below. Members should login before registering to avoid paying $10 non-member fee.


Bookings are now closed

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