Central Council

Australian Labour Market Research Workshop


From: Monday December 4, 2023, 12:00 am

To: Tuesday December 5, 2023, 12:00 am

The 32nd Australian Labour Market Research Workshop (ALMRW) 2023 will be held at Jobs and Skills Australia, 50 Marcus Clarke Street in Canberra on

Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 December 2023.

The official call for papers is now open. Please submit papers by 1 October 2023 by email to phil.lewis@canberra.edu.au including ALMRW 2023 in the subject line. Notification of acceptance will be on Tuesday 31 October 2023.

Participants and discussants will include senior academic economists and labour economists in the public and private sectors. Early career researchers, including PhD students close to completing, are particularly encouraged to submit papers. Any theoretical, applied or policy related papers on any aspect of the labour market are welcome. Papers, which need only to be at ‘working paper’ stage, will be selected on the basis of their quality and in relation to their general interest.

Papers are sought that cover the following themes:

  1. Employment, education, training and skills shortages
  2. Labour markets and demographic changes
  3. New ways work is organised
  4. Gender equity
  5. Contemporary labour market issues
  6. Applied labour econometrics
  7. Work, welfare and the disadvantaged

The ALMRW is supported by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, Jobs and Skills Australia, the Australian Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Save the date for the workshop and please feel free to distribute the attached flyer to any of your colleagues.



50 Marcus Clarke, Canberra ACT 2600

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