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Past Events

1,690 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 1301 - 1325

ESA QLD 2016 Business Lunch - Christopher Kent, RBA

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Jun 16, 2016, 12:00 pm

From: Queensland

The Economic Society of Australia (Qld) invites you to a luncheon address featuring Dr Christopher Kent, Assistant Governor (Economic) of the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Dr Philip Lowe, who was previously scheduled to speak is unwell, and is ably being represented by Christopher Kent.

The address by Dr Christopher Kent and a webcast is available on the RBA website - Speech by Dr Christopher Kent

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Policy in the Pub: Is technology going to take your job?

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Jun 15, 2016, 5:30 pm

From: Victoria

In June, we turn our attention to technology as Professor Jeff Borland asks “Is Technology Going to Take Your Job?”

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Protecting the Environment: Privately

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Monday May 30, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Hosted by Department of Industry, AARES & ESA NSW Branch present a joint seminar Protecting the Environment: Privately

Most volumes in the environmental economics literature consider the environment to be a public good and hence write out a role for the private sector as a source of supply.

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Young Economist SA Event - Economic growth: Is diversification the key?

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday May 25, 2016, 5:30 pm

From: South Australia

Dear ESA members and Associates,

Tired of sitting through another PowerPoint presentation? Would you prefer an interactive discussion? Young Economists SA invites you to attend a New Event - "Economic growth : Is diversification the key?" on Wednesday 25 May 2016.

On the event you can look forward to this lively confabulation — where everyone will have the opportunity to consider the challenges of economic growth, question wisdom (conventional or otherwise) and possible answers. In a room full of economists we’re bound to get some broad and divergent views!

Without being bound by the constraints of the political imperatives of the day, clamorous complaints and demands or any other limiting considerations, come and free (but do not empty) your minds and engage with your colleagues and peers to create your grand economic vision (at least for one night)!

The facilitators do not claim to have any particular expertise on the topic but they are likely to be tricky, difficult, argumentative and generally questionable as they draw on the collective wisdom of those assembled. Bring your views and ideas and be prepared to be challenged.

The Chatham House Rule will apply. 

Come and join us for this event on:

Wednesday, 25 May, 2016 at 5:30 pm (concluding at 7:30 pm)
Venue: Amber Lounge, Ambassador Hotel, 107 King William St. (Drinks and canapés will be provided). No cost for Economic Society members and $20 for non-members.

RSVP to admin@esasa.org.au or register via https://esasa.org.au/book-event/ by 23 May 2016.

With kind regards, 

Farhana Abedin
Young Economists SA team

Register here. https://esasa.org.au/book-event/


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Lunchtime Seminar - Housing Costs and Policies

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday May 19, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

At this lunchtime seminar Dr Peter Abelson will provide a comprehensive overview of housing prices, affordability, and policies with special reference to Sydney.


Annual General Meeting with Martin Wallace

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday May 18, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Tasmania


EPAP, ESA QLD & Griffith Uni - PD Seminar on Cost Benefit Analysis

Event Type: Workshops/Conferences

Date: Friday May 13, 2016, 2:30 pm

From: Queensland

The Economic Policy and Analysis Program (EPAP), Griffith University and the Economics Society of Australia (QLD) present a free Professional Development Seminar covering topical issues in Cost Benefit Analysis. The sessions will focus on the art and science of CBA to help better understand how this powerful tool can be applied to real world problems.


Emerging Economist Series

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday May 13, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Robert Gottliebsen has spent more than 30 years writing and commentating about business and investment in Australia. He is an Associate editor for Business Spectator, was the original Australian Financial Review Chanticleer and founder of Business Review Weekly Magazine.


Young Economists (QLD) Post Budget Party

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday May 12, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Queensland


ABE Briefing: Budget '16 - Mr John Fraser, Secretary to the Treasury

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Tuesday May 10, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: New South Wales

Australian Business Economists (ABE) are pleased to present a lunchtime briefing and discussion with Mr John Fraser, Secretary to the Treasury on the Federal Budget 2016-17.


ESA QLD 2016 Federal Budget - Post - Budget Lunch - Speaker: Michael Knox

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday May 4, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: Queensland

Speaker: Michael Knox

For further details see View below.

The event is $80 for members and $95 for non-members, payment options offered during the booking process are Paypal, and offline payment via invoice. It is possible to pay by credit card using the Paypal option without having a Paypal account - follow the prompts when directed to the Paypal website during the booking. If you have difficulties, please email admin@esaqld.org.au for a payment form.

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Economic Society Workshop: Measurement and Policy

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday Apr 29, 2016, 9:00 am

From: Western Australia

The Economic Society is convening a workshop on measurement and policy with Professor Mary S. Morgan as a key note speaker  |  Speakers also include local luminaries such as Ken Clements, Peter Kolf, and Margaret Nowak amongst others who will be presenting in this full day Economic Workshop.  

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Dinner with Mary Morgan

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Apr 28, 2016, 7:00 pm

From: Western Australia

Informal dinner with Mary Morgan for Members of Economic Society of Australia, WA Branch and their partners only.  The venue is the Matilda Bay Restaurant, 3 Hackett Drive, Crawley. The cost of the dinner is $95.00 per person and places will be limited to the first 20 registrations for the event.

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Shann Memorial Lecture

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Apr 27, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Western Australia

Economic Models: Facts, Artefacts or Fictions?  |  Professor Mary S. Morgan of the LSE will be visiting Perth as part of the Economic Society’s 2016 Eminent Speaker Series. 


Young Economist Event - Have we swamped the graduate labour market?

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Apr 27, 2016, 5:30 pm

From: South Australia

Higher education has changed from being an elite sector to one of mass higher education. This trend has been exacerbated by the removal of caps on university places several years ago. While numbers of graduates grow year by year we have observed that the employment outcomes have deteriorated each year since 2008. In this presentation, Professor Karmel will look at possible explanations for this decline. 

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Accounting Reasons, Professor Mary S. Morgan

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday Apr 22, 2016, 10:30 am

From: New South Wales

Lighthouse Talks in Economics (LITE) Program, Inaugural lecture with Professor Mary S Morgan


The Future of Economics, Professor Mary S. Morgan

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Apr 21, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: New South Wales

UNSW Business School and ESA are excited to announce their co-sponsorship of an interactive, intellectually charged event that is free and open to the public.  Three internationally renowned economists  - Professor Geoff Harcourt, Professor Richard Holden, and Professor Mary Morgan – will discuss and engage with the audience on “The Future of Economics”

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Poverty Measures: Lunchtime Seminar, Professor Mary S. Morgan

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Apr 21, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: New South Wales

Professor Mary S. Morgan will be visiting Sydney as part of the Economic Society of Australia's Eminent Speaker Series 2016.  She will deliver the lunchtime seminar on the topic : Poverty Measures: Aggregating Up to Get Back Down Again.

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Economics and Indigenous Policy: Too Much, or Not Enough?

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Wednesday Apr 20, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

Do you like policy? Do you like lunch? 'Policy Bites' is a series of informal lunches on topical issues in economic policy hosted by the ACT Young Economists.

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Emerging Economist Series

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Apr 19, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Lynelle Briggs will be joining the Emerging Economist Series as our special guest for lunch.   Registration for this series is now closed, however, if you would like to participate in the 2016/17 series, please contact us at admin@esansw.org.au


ESA QLD Professional Development Seminar, 19 April 2016 - Corporate Income Taxes: Theory and Policy - Speaker: Pascalis Raimondos

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Apr 19, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: Queensland

Speaker: Pascalis Raimondos

For further details see View below.  The event is free for members and $25 for non-members.


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ESA QLD Models: Facts, Artefacts or Fictions? Professor Mary Morgan (LSE)

Event Type: Wide/Public Interest

Date: Monday Apr 18, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Queensland


Eminent Speaker Series: The Role of Numbers in Re-Shaping Economies - Professor Mary Morgan

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday Apr 15, 2016, 4:00 pm

From: Tasmania

Join the Tasmanian Branch of the Economic Society of Australia, and the University of Tasmania for a presentation from Professor Mary S. Morgan, the Society’s Eminent Speaker for 2016.

Light refreshments will be served after Professor Morgan’s talk. RSVPs are essential.

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Post Lecture Dinner with Mary Morgan

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Apr 13, 2016, 7:00 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

Join Mary for an intimate post-lecture three course dinner at Boffins Restaurant.

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What Makes a Good Economic Model?

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Apr 13, 2016, 5:00 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

We use economic modelling all the time – most Canberrans working in economics or public policy would have built a model, ran a model, interpreted a model’s results or learned something about the economy from a model. How do you know they can be trusted?

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1,690 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 1301 - 1325

Central Council

map Queensland New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria Tasmania South Australia Western Australia