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Past Events

1,690 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 1251 - 1275

Emerging Economist Series 2016/17

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Oct 20, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Emerging Economist Series Lunch with Dr John Hewson.  Contact Us for information.


Intellectual Property: Economics, Diplomacy and Australia's Strategic Interests

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Wednesday Oct 19, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: New South Wales

The Lowy Institute invites ESA members to attend a lecture by prominent economic commentator Nicholas Gruen on how IP arrangements are increasingly constrained by international agreements. 


Policy in the Pub: Water markets - Speaker: Chris Olszak

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Oct 19, 2016, 5:30 pm

From: Victoria

Speaker: Chris Olszak

October’s Policy in the Pub will be presented by Chris Olszac, Director of Aither.

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Forecasting for Cost Benefit Analysis Forum

Date: Friday Oct 14, 2016, 8:30 am

From: New South Wales

Forecasting for Cost Benefit Analysis -  This year's Cost Benefit Analysis Forum will be held at SMC, Sydney on Friday 14 October, with the theme Forecasting for Cost Benefit Analysis.  Speakers include Dr Peter Abelson, Professor David Hensher, Professor Leo Dobes and Nicki Hutley. 

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14th Annual Competition Law and Economics Workshop

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday Oct 14, 2016, 12:00 am

The University of South Australia and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are very proud to invite you to the 14th Competition Law and Economics Workshop. The Workshop will be a forum for discussion and networking bringing together national and international thought leaders and key stakeholders, including regulators, lawyers, economists, judges, academics, business and industry leaders and more.


Inequality and Inclusive Growth: Australian Experiences and Prospects

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Oct 12, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

This presentation discusses trends in the incomes and living standards of working age Australian households over the last 35 years, as well as the extent to which improvements in living standards have or have not been shared across income groups. In identifying the factors associated with these trends, the presentation also discusses prospects for inequality and prosperity following the Global Financial Crisis.

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Challenges of Economic Regulation in Qld: Address by Professor Roy Green, Chair, Qld Competition Authority

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Oct 11, 2016, 4:45 pm

From: Queensland

The Economics Society of Australia (Qld) invites you to a presentation by Professor Roy Green, Chair,  Qld Competition Authority:

The Challenges of Economic Regulation in Queensland

NOTE:  This event is fully booked wth a sizeable wait list already so we are unfortunately unable to register additional names on the wait list at this stage.

Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016

Time: 4.45pm for 5.00pm start, to conclude by 6pm. Attendees are invited to stay on for drinks and savouries.

Venue: MinterEllison, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle St, Brisbane

Dress: Business attire

Cost: No charge but prior registration is required and numbers are limited

Professor Roy Green was appointed Chair of the Queensland Competition Authority in June 2015.  He is Dean of the UTS Business School at the University of Technology Sydney. He graduated with first class honours from the University of Adelaide and has a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge. Subsequently, he has worked in universities, business and government, published widely in the areas of innovation policy and management and undertaken multi-country projects with the OECD and European Commission.

Sponsored by: 


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The US Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Tuesday Oct 11, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: New South Wales

Australian Business Economists (ABE) are pleased to present a lunchtime briefing and discussion with Dr Charles Evans, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.


The Future of International Economic Engagement

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Thursday Oct 6, 2016, 12:45 pm

From: New South Wales

Dr Martin Parkinson PSM, Secretary to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and former RBA Board member will address the Australian Government's work to strengthen the effectiveness of the G20.


Bruce Layman Seminar Event

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Oct 5, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Western Australia

Bruce Layman, Chief Economist, WA Economic Regulation Authority, will present a seminar provisionally titled "Market Power Mitigation in the Wholesale Electricity Market", at the University Club, from 6pm on Wednesday 5 October at the University Club, UWA. The presentation will be followed by drinks and Canapes. This event is free for members and partners and $33 for non-members.

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ACE2017 - Call for Papers

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Saturday Oct 1, 2016, 12:00 am

From: New South Wales

ACE2017 Call for Papers: The annual conference of the Economic Society of Australia, hosted in 2017 by the NSW Branch at the Sofitel Hotel in Sydney, provides a forum for academic, government and business economists to consider issues such as inequality and poverty, financial regulation, taxation reform, education reform, mental health, regional trade agreements, international migration flows, and overseas aid.


Professional Development Seminar: Stephen King

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Sep 29, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: Victoria

September's professional development speaker will be Stephen King from the Productivity Commisison.

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Lunchtime Seminar: Valuing and pricing water (& other stuff)

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Sep 21, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Our next lunchtime seminar will be presented by Dr Richard Tooth

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The Chinese Economy: Still Vulnerable?

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Monday Sep 19, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Join chief Asia economist for Bloomberg Intelligence, Tom Orlik in conversation with Lowy Institute’s International Economy Program Director, Leon Berkelmans.


ESA 2016 Young Economist Prof. Lionel Page - - Speaker: Lionel Page

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday Sep 16, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: Queensland

Speaker: Lionel Page

The Economic Society of Australia established the Young Economist Award in 2006, to honour an Australian (resident) Economist under the age of 40 who has contributed outstanding research to the field.

This year at the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE), the selection committee announced the winner as QUT Economist, Prof. Lionel Page.

ESA Qld cordially invites you to attend a presentation by Prof. Page on his work in the field of Behavioural Economics, Optimally Irrational.


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ABE Event - Government Debt Program 2016-2017

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Tuesday Sep 13, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: New South Wales

Australian Business Economists (ABE) are pleased to present a lunchtime seminar with Mr Rob Nicholl, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM).


Only in Australia - Book Launch

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Thursday Sep 8, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: New South Wales

You are invited to celebrate the launch of the newly published, Only in Australia. The History, Politics, and Economics of Australian Exceptionalism, (edited by William Coleman, Oxford University Press) -  https://global.oup.com/academic/product/only-in-australia-9780198753254?cc=au&lang=en&

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Cost Benefit Analysis in contemporary project evaluation

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Sep 7, 2016, 4:00 pm

From: Queensland

Cost Benefit Analysis in contemporary project evaluation – a facilitated discussion between academics, practioners and public policy advisors

The use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has become an important component of any business case for major infrastructure expenditure in Australia and, in some cases, is mandated by legislation.

This event aims to identify the key challenges in the contemporary use of CBA in the evaluation of major projects.  The format will involve a brief presentation from the perspective of a public policy advisor, followed by a facilitated discussion between three main sectors involved in  CBA in Australia – academics; professional economics consultants; and public sector policy advisors.

The aim of the discussion is to build networks across those active in CBA in Queensland, identify common ground and issues for further analysis and research, as well as possible themes for future events. 

The session will be followed by drinks and savouries. 

There is no charge for the event but prior registration is required and places are limited.

Event Sponsor:

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Festival of Democracy 2016

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Thursday Sep 1, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: New South Wales

The Sydney Democracy Network (SDN) invites ESA NSW members to the 2016 Festival of Democracy. The Festival will conclude with a public lecture by economist Professor Ross Garnaut.



GST and Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation - Good for Productivity?

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Sep 1, 2016, 6:00 pm

From: Tasmania


Dr Wadsley is the Vice-President of the Tasmanian Branch and has worked across industry, finance, academia, consulting and for the State Government. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Tasmania.

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Emerging Economist Series 2016/17

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Sep 1, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

Liza Carver will be the first of our six lunchtime speakers at this year's Emerging Economist Series. 

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Lunchtime Seminar - Big data, machine learning, and economics

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Aug 31, 2016, 12:15 pm

From: New South Wales

This talk will give a broad overview of the state of play in machine learning and data science, explaining how it's starting to change econometrics, and showing how it might impact the economy as a whole.

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Professional Development Seminar: Professor Phillip McCalman

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Aug 25, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: Victoria

August's professional development speaker will be Professor Phillip McCalman from the University of Melbourne.

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The Economic Society of Australia's Quarterly Economist 'Free' Lunch

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Aug 24, 2016, 12:30 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

Challenges in understanding the role of Science in the Economy

The Economic Society of Australia (ACT) invites you to attend the inaugural Quarterly Economist Free Lunch address featuring David Pearce from the Centre for International Economics where David will discuss the challenges in understanding the role of science in the economy.


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Policy in the Pub: The Design of R&D support schemes

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Aug 17, 2016, 5:30 pm

From: Victoria

This month’s talk is from Beth Webster, Swinburne University of Technology, who will look at the design of research and development (R&D) support sc hemes, asking:  Should public monies support local businesses to do R&D? 

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1,690 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 1251 - 1275

Central Council

map Queensland New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria Tasmania South Australia Western Australia