Central Council


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Past Events

1,690 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 201 - 225

IEA World Congress

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Monday Dec 11, 2023, 12:00 am

Call for Papers

The President of the International Economic Association (IEA) and Program Chair of the Twentieth World Congress of the IEA, invites you to submit a paper to the contributed sessions of this triennial congress, jointly organized with Universidad EAFIT, that will be held in Medellin, Colombia from December 11 to 15, 2023.


ESA ACT: Christmas Drinks 2023

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Dec 7, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

Kindly sponsored by

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Expertise, Artificial Intelligence, and the Work of the Future - ONLINE ONLY

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Dec 6, 2023, 12:00 pm

The ESA Central Council is delighted to announce that Professor David Autor, MIT will be joining us for what promises to be an interesting and insightful webinar.  You are invited to join the discussion.

Will recent advances in AI complement human expertise, thereby increasing its value? Or will AI render expertise increasingly unnecessary, thus reducing its market value -- even if jobs are not in net eliminated?

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ESA / WEN end of year sundowner

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Dec 5, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Western Australia

We welcome members and non-members of all genders to join us for our end of year sundowner. Canapés will be served and drinks can be purchased at the bar.

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Joint End of Year WEN Event & ESA AGM

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Dec 5, 2023, 5:00 pm

From: South Australia

We are delighted to invite you to the annual general meeting of ESA-SA branch which will be followed by a special talk by Melissa Wilson (CEDA) discussing, “Dynamic Capabilities: How Australian firms can survive and thrive in uncertain times” . The event will end with networking drinks and nibbles.

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Australian Labour Market Research Workshop

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Monday Dec 4, 2023, 12:00 am

Participants and discussants will include senior academic economists and labour economists in the public and private sectors. Early career researchers, including PhD students close to completing, are particularly encouraged to submit papers. Any theoretical, applied or policy related papers on any aspect of the labour market are welcome. Papers, which need only to be at ‘working paper’ stage, will be selected on the basis of their quality and in relation to their general interest.  Call for Papers


The Perils of Economic Reform: A Cautionary Tale from Myanmar - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Friday Dec 1, 2023, 12:00 pm

From: New South Wales

Please join our special guest Sean Turnell for The Perils of Economic Reform: A Cautionary Tale from Myanmar

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The Perils of Economic Reform: A Cautionary Tale from Myanmar - ATTENDING IN-PERSON ONLY

Date: Friday Dec 1, 2023, 12:00 pm

From: New South Wales

Please join our special guest Sean Turnell for The Perils of Economic Reform: A Cautionary Tale from Myanmar

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DCCEEW - WEN ACT Economics of Climate Change

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Nov 30, 2023, 7:30 am

From: Australian Capital Territory

Economics of Climate Change

Interested in understanding more about the economic impact of climate change?

With important international climate negotiations (‘COP 28’) about to commence, the Women in Economics (ACT) and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water are pleased to host this breakfast event featuring a panel of senior economists to discuss the economics of climate change. From labour market impacts to physical infrastructure, this is a chance to learn more about the broad range of economic issues associated with climate change.

Guest speakers include Linda Ward, Jo Evans, Mel Ford, Kathryn Smith and Alex Heath.

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Inflation, productivity and wages: what is the link? - ONLINE ONLY

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Nov 29, 2023, 5:30 pm

The Reserve Bank of Australia has made a number of statements about productivity in discussing monetary policy decisions. But is the role of productivity well understood?

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ACCC's Childcare Inquiry with WEN Victoria - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Monday Nov 27, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Women In Economics

Keen to understand more about the childcare market in Australia? Join members from the ACCC's Childcare Inquiry Taskforce for a presentation exploring the inquiry's interim findings and recommendations, the analysis that has informed it, and insights gained into the unique role that competition and choice play in markets for human services. 

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An Exciting Webinar Brought to You by International Collaborations of Women in Economics Networks - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Thursday Nov 23, 2023, 12:30 pm

From: Women In Economics

In collaboration with the Korean Women Economists Association (KWEA), the Women in Economics Network invites you to a special webinar on two interesting gender economics topics with policy implications. 

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ABE Annual Dinner with Michele Bullock, Governor, RBA

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Wednesday Nov 22, 2023, 6:00 am

From: New South Wales

ABE are please to present a briefing and discussion at the annual dinner with Ms Michele Bullock, Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia on the economic outlook and monetary policy. 


Public Sector Economics Conference 2023

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Tuesday Nov 21, 2023, 8:15 am

From: Australian Capital Territory

In what ways can a stewardship framework, supported by high-quality evaluation, be applied to improve public policy outcomes?

Proudly Sponsored by ESA ACT Branch.

Register Now



Event Type: Wide/Public Interest

Date: Monday Nov 20, 2023, 8:30 pm

From: New South Wales

This week on Q+A… Australia’s cost-of-living crisis. As families battle to make ends meet, navigating the tough economic climate and a raft of rate rises, it’s set to be a bleak festive season for some. How much more pressure can they take?


WEN Tasmania After-office Catch-up

Event Type: Partner Event

Date: Friday Nov 17, 2023, 5:00 pm

From: Tasmania

Join us for WEN Tasmania's After-Office Drinks In the Hanging Garden - downstairs in the Cathedral Section.

An opportunity to catch up informally over a drink. No need to register - just come along.


Using Longitudinal Data for Policy Analysis: An Overview and Examples - ONLINE ONLY

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Friday Nov 17, 2023, 12:00 pm

From: Victoria

This presentation will highlight the specificities of longitudinal (panel) data and review how such data can be used for uncovering causal relationships and performing policy analysis. General ideas will be illustrated with examples from education research, which studies the determinants of student achievement.

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WEN ACT EVENT Celebrating Women in Economics - Speaker: Catie Bradbear

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Nov 16, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

Speaker: Catie Bradbear

Celebrating the stories of women in economics & networking event

Do you know which female economist outsold Charles Dickens? Or the woman whose contributions to John Stuart Mill's work was dismissed as a bad influence? And what about the female co-author of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, who he credited with 'doing all the work'?

While Claudia Goldin's Nobel Prize win has recently shed light on the work of women economists, the history of economics is still predominantly dominated by male names: Smith, Ricardo, Mill, Marshall, Keynes, Hayek, Samuelson, and Friedman, to name a few. Shockingly, only one woman, Joan Robinson, was among the 125 economists featured in the Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis (2018).

 However, there are alternative narratives that offer a richer history of economics. Many brilliant women have played crucial roles in economics over the last three centuries, writing, teaching, researching, and pushing forward real-world economic issues. Their stories have often been overshadowed or forgotten.

Join us as we delve into the lives and work of women economists from the 19th and 20th centuries, including figures like Harriet Martineau, Harriet Taylor Mill, and Anna Schwartz, among others. These extraordinary women have been overlooked for far too long, and it's time to finally recognise their names and stories.

In addition to celebrating the invaluable contributions of these women, we also look forward to marking the close of 2024, providing an opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old friends.

In addition to celebrating the invaluable contributions of these women, we also look forward to marking the close of 2024, providing an opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old friends.

About our speaker: Catie Bradbear

Catie is acting Assistant Commissioner at the Productivity Commission, the Australian Government’s independent economic research and advice agency.

Catie has worked on a diverse range of inquiries while at the Commission, including a review of the Future Drought Fund, Resources Sector Regulation, the Economic Regulation of Airports, Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation, Consumer Law Administration and Enforcement, Migrant Intake, International Education Services and Tasmanian Shipping and Freight. Catie started her career at the Treasury in Canberra, followed by a stint at the Australian National University, conducting research through the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health.

Catie is a member of the ACT WEN Committee. She is particularly interested in the role of mentoring in retaining women in economics and worked with the ANU and the Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government to organise and analyse a mentoring program with female economics students at ANU. She has also recently started delving into the lives of women economists throughout history.

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Professional Ethics for Economists

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Wednesday Nov 15, 2023, 12:30 pm

From: New South Wales

Join us for this event with Professor Paul Oslington from Alphacrucis University College as he considers the basis and content of economists’ moral responsibilities, codes of ethics for economists, and whether the Economic Society has a role in devising and enforcing such codes.

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The relationship between productivity and social services, with Natalie Siegel-Brown

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Nov 14, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Queensland

Please join us to hear from Natalie Siegel-Brown, Commissioner for Social Policy at the Productivity Commission, to discuss the topic “Are social services and productivity strange bedfellows? Or a match (yet to be) made in heaven?”

The event will be catered with food and drink, so be sure to RSVP to secure your spot at this exciting event.

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Policy in the Pub - 5 million switchovers: Getting our Homes off Gas

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Tuesday Nov 14, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Victoria

Join us for a discussion on gas in Australian homes – and how to transition off it. We will look at the role of household gas within the broader emissions story, what is involved with switching 5 million households to all-electric, and the thorny question of what happens to the gas network.

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Movie Night 2023

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Nov 9, 2023, 7:00 pm

From: Victoria

Join us for our final event of the year for the Economic Society Victoria's Young Professionals Network, with a private screening of "The Big Short" (Adam McKay 2015) at Kino Cinemas. 

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ESA ACT: Annual General Meeting 2023

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Nov 9, 2023, 6:30 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

ESA (ACT) is pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting on 9 Nov. If you are thinking what is an AGM like, you are welcome to come and see- also as we need members for a quorum. Food and drinks are provided. ESA AGM is at 7.00pm-8.00pm. Snacks are available at 6.30pm -7 pm before the meeting. 

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WEN ACT: Annual General Meeting 2023

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Nov 9, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Australian Capital Territory

WEN (ACT) is pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 9 Nov. If you are thinking what is an AGM like, you are welcome to come and see- also as we need members for a quorum. Food and drinks are provided. WEN AGM is 5.30-6.30pm, followed by snacks and  ESA AGM starts at 7-8pm.

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WEN QLD LinkedUp - Networking Evening

Event Type: ESA Event

Date: Thursday Nov 9, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Queensland

It’s time for another LinkedUP! The WEN Queensland branch invites you to join us for an informal networking evening. Come along to connect or reconnect with old and new WEN members.


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1,690 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 201 - 225

Central Council

map Queensland New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria Tasmania South Australia Western Australia