AGEW2021(8-9 Feb 2021) - Call for Papers: Deadline extended
We are delighted to announce that the 2021 Australian Gender Economics Workshop, hosted by the Women in Economics Network will be held virtually from Monday the 8th – Tuesday 9th February 2021.
The aim of AGEW is to foster a community of economic researchers who can collectively contribute to the evidence base needed to guide the pursuit of more gender equitable outcomes in society. AGEW2021 will include a program of research presentations, keynote speakers and a policy symposium session which will draw together insights, implications and solutions delivered by the research papers.
We are pleased to announce our Keynote Speakers:
Professor Lata Gangadharan, Joe Isaac Chair of Business and Economics at the Monash Business School and Professor in the Department of Economics.
Lata Gangadharan obtained her PhD in 1998 from the University of Southern California. She is an experimental economist and her research encompasses experiments on social preferences and also on markets and auction design. Lata’s research interests include experimental economics, environmental economics, institutions and development. She has published extensively in journals such as the American Economic Review, Science, Nature Communications, European Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics, and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management among others. She is currently a Co-Editor of Experimental Economics.
Yana Rodgers is a Professor in the Department of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, and in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies, at Rutgers University. She also serves as Faculty Director of the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers.
Yana specializes in using quantitative methods and large data sets to conduct research on women's health, labor market status, and well-being. She has published over 50 articles in refereed journals, mostly in economics, along with numerous chapters, reports, and edited volumes.
Her first book, Maternal Employment and Child Health (Edward Elgar Elgar Publishing, 2011) examined the link between women's economic empowerment and children's nutritional status, and her second book, The Global Gag Rule and Women's Reproductive Health (Cambridge University Press, 2018) estimated the impact of the global gag rule on women's abortion rates around the globe.
Yana has worked regularly as a consultant for the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank, and she was President of the International Association for Feminist Economics. She currently serves as an Associate Editor with the journals World Development and Feminist Economics. Yana earned her PhD in economics from Harvard University and her BA in economics from Cornell University. She is originally from the Netherlands and is a mother of three and an avid runner.
AGEW invites the submission of research papers on any topic of gender economics. Papers should apply an economic framework, and gender should be a core element of the analysis. Papers should also demonstrate real world relevance and applicability to addressing issues of social or economic concern. Presenters of any gender are all equally very welcome to our workshop.
We invite papers on the following themes and beyond:
Both applied and theoretical papers are invited. Analytical policy papers that meet high standards of methodological rigour will also be considered. Gender economics does not necessarily entail a focus only on women or only on binary classifications of gender.
Submissions are currently open and will close on Sunday 15th November 2020.
Full papers or extended abstracts (min. 1500 words) can be submitted to the AGEW2021 Scientific Committee Co-Chairs Alfredo Paloyo and Silvia Mendolia by emailing your attachment to Please follow these instructions regarding the subject title and the content of your email.
AGEW 2021 Paper Submission
Email subject title: AGEW 2021 Paper Submission
Copy and paste this table in the body of your email and specify your details
Paper Submission |
Name |
Affiliation |
Position |
Title |
Abstract |
Keywords (max 6) |
Availability to serve also as a discussant of someone else’s work |
Yes/ No |
Availability to serve as session Chair |
Yes/ No |
AGEW 2021 Extended Abstract Submission (min. 1500 words)
Email subject title: AGEW 2021 Extended Abstract Submission
Copy and paste this table in the body of your email and specify your details
Extended Abstract Submission |
Name |
Affiliation |
Position |
Title |
Extended Abstract |
Keywords (max 6) |
Availability to serve also as a discussant of someone else’s work |
Yes/ No |
Availability to serve as session Chair |
Yes/ No |
Further announcements about AGEW2021 will be made in the coming weeks, including our international keynotes and policy symposium.
Thank you for your interest and support for this Women in Economics Network initiative. Please get in touch if you have any queries, ideas or would like to volunteer as a discussant or session chair.