Central Council

WEN Credible Blog Series Writing Competition - Winners Announcement

Credible Economist Writing Competition

After announcing the Credible Economist Blog Writing Competition in late 2021, NSW WEN was very pleased this week to celebrate the competition and all the wonderful submissions received.

We were delighted to announce the top 3 finalists and 3 honourable mentions during our webinar on Tuesday 28 June, chosen among a range of competitive and compelling submissions. This webinar may be viewed here.

Our top three Finalists:

1. Louisa Russell, with her piece Why quotas for women in politics are a good idea according to economics.
2. Rosie McCrossin, with her piece Time, Blood and Money
3. Katie McGregor, with her piece Econobabble: The Enemy of Economics

Our three Honourable Mentions:

Greta Gordon, with her piece Prisoners of the Inflexible Labour Model
Malithi Silva, with her piece The economic role of unpaid care in Australia (why economists should value wellbeing instead of efficiency)
Sabina Albrecht, with her piece The economics of refugee resettlement

Congratulations to all our finalists!

All these blogs will be published on WEN's social media and our website, as well as other excellent submissions we received.

Louisa’s winning article can be found on LinkedIn here. Look out for the remaining articles over the coming weeks and months!

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