Central Council

Harry Bloch


Professor Harry Bloch

Harry Bloch is currently John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus at Curtin University. He was previously Professor of Economics (1997 to 2012) and Dean for Research and Development (2012) in the Curtin Business School as well as founding director of Director of the Centre for Research in Applied Economics (2006 to 2009). He previously held academic positions at the University of Tasmania, University of Denver (USA), University of Manitoba (Canada) and University of British Columbia (Canada). He has a BA from the University of Michigan and MA and PhD from the University of Chicago. He has been editor of the Economic Record (2002 to 2006); a member of the Australian Research Council, College of Experts, Social, Behavioural and Economics panel (2008-2010) and Laureates Selection Advisory Committee (2013). He is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and an Honorary Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia.

Subject Area Expertise

Industrial organisation, international trade, development economics and the history of economic thought.



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