Rodney Maddock
Professor Rodney Maddock (past panellist)
Rodney Maddock is Vice Chancellor’s Fellow at Victoria University, Adjunct Professor of Economics at Monash University, President of the Economic Society of Australia (Victoria), a Director of CEDA and a member of the Monash Business Policy Forum. His previous roles included Head of Group Strategy for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Chief Economist at the Business Council of Australia and Head of Economic Policy in the Victorian Cabinet Office. Rod’s research focusses mainly on regulatory matters, and on banking and finance. Earlier research included books titled Unlocking the Infrastructure (with Stephen King) and Rational Expectations (with Michael Carter), an edited volume The Australian Economy in the Long Run (with Ian McLean)and a diverse range of papers. He holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Queensland and a PhD from Duke University.
Subject Area Expertise
Banking, finance and superannuation; regulation; Australian economic history.