Central Council

Rana Roy


Dr Rana Roy

Since April 1997, Dr Rana Roy has been the sole owner and director of his independent economics consultancy, specialising in the field of public economics in the service of public policy – based in London, UK, for the most part, and more recently in Hobart, Tasmania.  His principal clients have included London, UK, Tasmanian, Australian and international government agencies, including the European Commission, the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, the OECD and the World Health Organization.  Prior to this, he served in senior roles in government agencies including the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Australian Productivity Commission, the Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the UK Department of Trade and Industry, and as Chief Economist of ECIS, the European Commission’s think-tank on infrastructure.

Subject Area Expertise

The field of public economics in the service of public policy. 




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