Call for abstracts on COVID-19 related health economics research
The International Health Economics Association (iHEA) is responsible for organizing two sessions at the annual American Economics Association/ASSA conference. We are focusing the sessions for the January 2021 (3-5 January) conference on health economics research on COVID-19. We received a few abstracts related to this area in the general call for abstracts that iHEA issues in collaboration with ASHEcon and HERO, but insufficient for two sessions.
If you are undertaking COVID-19 related research, or know of colleagues undertaking such research, where this research will have a full draft paper ready by early December, we would welcome abstracts for consideration for these sessions. As the iHEA sessions try to take an international perspective, we are particularly interested in research that includes more than one country and non-USA research (as most of the other associations organizing sessions focus exclusively on the US, we try to provide the rest of the world with an opportunity to participate in this prestigious event). AEA/ASSA have not yet made a decision on whether the conference will take place onsite, online or both, but we strongly suspect that there will be a virtual component (i.e. we are not expecting that all presenters will be required to be physically present in Chicago next January).
How to Submit
Abstracts for the AEA/ASSA conference should be about 200 words in length and should include the full names and institutional affiliation of all authors, as well as an email address for the presenting author.
Please send any abstracts to by 8 June 2020. If anyone would like to volunteer to be a discussant of one of the papers included in the session, please also send an email indicating this.