Central Council

Academy of Social Science - Survey

The Academy needs your assistance | National survey, Data Commons for Australian Social Science

In 2022, the Academy is committed to advancing strategic agendas and stakeholder alliances around data infrastructure for the social sciences.

To this end, we are surveying researchers across social science disciplines. Understanding their present use and unmet needs in relation to data commons infrastructure will provide a basis for our data commons work agenda over this and the following years. The survey closes Friday, 4 March 2022

For more information about this survey, or if you’d like to become a partner in our data commons journey, contact Isabel Ceron, Policy Analyst, via isabel.ceron@socialsciences.org.au

National survey

Data commons for Australian social science: How big is the gap?

This 12-point survey seeks to understand how Australian social science researchers use data commons today; and what we're missing.

It's the first survey of its kind and will provide the Academy and other stakeholders with evidence to advocate for social science data commons over the coming 10 years.

Dr Chris Hatherly, CEO, The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

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