Central Council

Ruchi Sinha, University of South Australia

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Negotiation Skills: We negotiate every day. We negotiate with potential employers, supervisors, administrative staff, co-authors, departmental colleagues, service providers, parents, spouses, and even our children. What price we want to pay; what salary we would like; which work assignment we want, how to divide up a team task to who will do the dishes and pick up the kids – are all examples of negotiations. Yet, although people negotiate all the time, most know very little about the strategy and psychology of effective negotiations. Why do we sometimes get our way whereas other times we walk away feeling frustrated by our inability to obtain the agreement we desire?

Purpose of this Workshop: Negotiation is the art and science of securing win-win agreements between two or more interdependent parties. This workshop is designed to be relevant to a broad spectrum of negotiation problems that are faced by professionals at work. The aim is to help participants to learn how to recognize, understand, and analyse the key issues in negotiation situations. The workshop will provide concrete strategies that will help participants plan better for negotiations and will provide them with a toolkit of tactics that are used by expert negotiators to achieve win-win solutions.

Format of the Workshop:This short three hour workshop is designed to foster learning through doing, and to help participants explore their own strengths and shortcomings as a negotiator. The session will include an experiential role-play exercise (two party multi-issue job negotiation) that will provide participants with an opportunity to use their intuitive negotiation strategies in a low-risk environment – enabling them to learn about themselves and how they typically respond to negotiation situations. At the end of the exercise, I will provide key principles and strategies to achieve win-win solutions. The workshop will have a mix of scientific theory as well as hands-on practical experiential activity.

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