Central Council

Robots, artificial intelligence and the 'future of work'

The public policy debate about the economic and social impact of disruptive technologies, transitioning industries and the 'future work' is finally gaining momentum in Australia.
This month, we wanted to ask the ESA's National Economic Panel (NEP) for their views on two related propositions - the same propositions put to the eminent US and European economists of the IGM Economic Experts Panel in September 2017. The only change we made was to focus our panellists on the impacts in Australia rather than in (all) 'advanced countries'.

Question A: "Holding labor market institutions and job training fixed, rising use of robots and artificial intelligence is likely to increase substantially the number of workers in Australia who are unemployed for long periods."

Question B: "Rising use of robots and artificial intelligence in Australia is likely to create benefits large enough that they could be used to compensate those workers who are substantially negatively affected for their lost wages."


Overview by Professor Jeff Borland and Professor Jason Potts


View the Results of this Poll


* Collaborator credits: we would like to thank Professor Jeff Borland and Professor Jason Potts for their expert overviews of the results.

** Question credits: this month's poll questions were adapted - from those put to the IGM Economic Experts Panel in September 2017. For the results of the US IGM poll, click here. For the results of the European IGM poll click here

ESA NEP Robot Poll in the news 

"Collaborative robots could save Australian manufacturing jobs and boost small business" (Nick Whigham, news.com.au, MAY 18, 2018)

Got a poll question idea? If you have suggestions for future Polls - on any topic - please let us know by submitting your question ideas here



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