Angela Jackson
Dr Jackson is lead economist at Impact Economics and Policy, with expertise in health and aged care, disability, housing, gender and fiscal policy.
After starting her career as an economist at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet under the Hon John Howard’s Prime Ministership, Dr Jackson went on to become Deputy Chief of Staff to the Australian Minister for Finance and Deregulation, the Hon Lindsay Tanner MP during the Global Financial Crisis. She was principal adviser across fiscal, health and social policy.
She is currently National Chair of the Women in Economics Network, Chair of the National Heart Foundation’s Victorian Advisory Board and a part-time Commissioner on the Commonwealth Grants Commission. She served as a Non-Executive Director at Royal Melbourne Hospital for six years, including through the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria.
Dr Jackson holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Tasmania, a Masters in International Health Policy (Health Economics) with Distinction from the London School of Economics and Political Science and completed her PhD on the Economics of Disability in Australia at Monash University’s Centre for Health Economics.
Dr Jackson provides regular economic commentary on television and radio, and has had articles published in The Age, the Conversation, The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, The New Daily and Croakey.
Areas of Expertise
Media - Labour markets (unemployment, job forecasts)Media - Public finance & fiscal policy
Media - Health economics
Media - Gender & society (pay gap, social norms etc)
Media - Housing
Contact Details
No Website